Nov 28, 2007


Jejaring Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia (PPI) Eropa
(European Network of Indonesian Students)

Where Have All the Brotherly Love Gone?
Why we are where we are now?

Malaysian and Indonesian history are so intertwined and our future are so closely linked that we are either hang together or hang separately.

Weren't we both used to be part of the glorious kingdom of Srivijaya and Majapahit? Wasn't the founder of Malacca Sultanate, Pramesyara, a runaway prince from Palembang ? Wasn't Dipati Unus from Jepara lead sizable troops to get rid of Portuguese from Malacca not once but twice? Weren't our past royalties intermarried for too many times to precisely counted. Weren't we quick to get over the Konfrontasi and start building Asean together?

Wasn't Indonesian and professors left the comfort of homes in the past to reach the in classrooms in Malaysia half a generation ago? Aren't Indonesian students these days filled Malaysian Universities instead? Aren't the economic prosperity in Malaysia could and already benefited from Indonesia workers with our proximity and cultural and linguistic links

Not only our languages are from the same roots and only slightly differentiable, our aspirations are one. We both want to be a prosperous and harmonious country, respected among the world's brotherhood of nation

We are brothers and will always be brother.

However, we can choose to live with brotherly love or without it. Some say that family feud is the worst kind of feud, but it doesn't have to be that way.

Family don't hurt each other
Assigned prized, bounty hunter like, is no way to treat family member. Search without warrant should be ceased and let's return the entire jurisdiction over illegal immigrant from non-state body and to police and immigration officer. Indonesia should put the utmost effort to reduce forest fire which cloud reach Malaysia while Malaysia should tighten the Kalimantan border over illegal logging from Indonesia.

Family protect each other
Let Indonesian workers in Malaysia have a right organized themselves in labor union. Despite all the goodwill of Malaysian government, some companies are bound to be overeager in their quest for profit and union is one of the best ways for protection. Let us revised our Labor MoU and no longer allowed the company to keep the workers passport.

Family share heritage
Our long share history sometime makes it hard to distinguish the origin of culturally related product. Lets put a memoratiorum on patenting any of them and establish a join commission to study the true origin of any particular product before going to patent office and discuss a revenue sharing for joint patent when it is more appropriate.

Family visit each other
It has been too long the Indonesian embassy in Malaysia to stand without an ambassador. The Indonesian government and parliament need to immediately send a trusted liaison, more than any other time, to mend our ties and deepen our relation.
As the sound of bedug in lebaran still faintly heard and the scent of Eid Mubarrak is still in the air let us both acknowledge our past mistakes and vow to renew our bond.
Let the subsequent lyrics be a thing that unite us rather than divide us. May we could savor the sweet taste of brotherhood once again. This time, let it linger.

Kalau ada sumur di ladang, Boleh kita menumpang mandi
Kalau ada umurku panjang, Boleh kita berjumpa lagi
Rasa sayange rasa sayang sayange
Eeee lihat dari jauh rasa sayang sayange

Arsono Arsono
PPI Leuven - Belgum
Edy Hermawan
PPI Finland
Mahmud Syaltout
PPI France
Achmad Aditya
PPI Germany
Henny Saptatia Sujai
Indonesia Russia Study Club
Berly Martawardaya
PPI Italy
Christian Santoso
PPI Netherlands
Ari Warokka
PPI Spain
Juliansyah S. Pratomo
PPI Switzerland
Ahmad Makintha
PPI Trondheim - Norway
Viza Ramadhani
PPI United Kingdom



Kami para pelajar Indonesia se-Eropa, bersama-sama menyadari bahwa kemajuan bangsa Indonesia berada di tangan bangsa Indonesia sendiri dan membutuhkan semangat kebersamaan dan keberlanjutan. Untuk itu, sudah menjadi tugas kami juga untuk berperan aktif dengan cara menuntut ilmu sungguh-sungguh dan bekerja sama sesuai dengan kemampuan dan keahlian masing-masing untuk mencapai cita-cita kemerdekaan 17 Agustus 1945, yaitu untuk mencapai masyarakat Indonesia yang adil dan makmur.

Demi terwujudnya cita-cita bangsa, kami, Pelajar Indonesia Se-Eropa bertekad untuk :
- Berbakti pada nusa, bangsa, dan negara dengan berlandaskan Pancasila dan Undang-undang Dasar 1945 dan amandemennya.
- Bersikap profesional dalam mengemban tugas-tugas masa kini dan masa yang akan datang
- Melaksanakan perubahan ke arah perbaikan dengan kontribusi aktif sesuai dengan kemampuan dan keahlian masing-masing
- Mambangun persatuan dan kerjasama, mempererat interaksi, membangun forum informasi dan komunikasi diantara sesama pelajar Indonesia se-eropa
- Mewujudkan dan melestarikan kesepakatan ini

Berdasarkan tekad di atas, maka dengan memohon rahmat Tuhan YME, kami pelajar Indonesia se-eropa sepakat untuk membentuk Jejaring Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia se-Eropa yang mempunyai fungsi koordinasi, sosialisasi, advokasi, elaborasi, sosial kemasyarakatan dan kesinambungan, yang memfasilitasi kami untuk dapat berperan serta dalam pembangunan bangsa dalam kapasitas kami sebagai pelajar Indonesia.
Hal-hal yang berkaitan tentang aturan teknis Jejaring Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia se-Eropa akan dijelaskan dalam penjelasan tambahan.

Demikianlah deklarasi ini kami tetapkan sebagai titik tonggak dan pondasi untuk aktivitas menyuarakan suara kaum muda demi Indonesia di masa mendatang.

Den Haag, 24 Juni 2007

Aryo Primagati (Belanda)
Yulia Rahma Fitriana (Prancis)
Henny Saptatia D.N. Sujai (Study Club Rusia)
Ahmad Makintha Brany (Trondheim)
uliansyah Shariati Pratomo (Swiss)
Edy hermawan (Finlandia)
Achmad Adhitya (Jerman)
Ari Warokka (Spanyol)
Berly Martawardaya (Italia)
T. Arsono (Belgia)
Viza Ramadhani (United Kingdom)
Hary Devianto (Korea Selatan)

Penjelasan tambahan mengenai Jejaring Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia se- Eropa:

1. Struktural Jejaring PPI Eropa:Jejaring PPI Eropa adalah forum komunikasi pelajar Indonesia di Eropa dengan enam fungsi utama untuk koordinasi, sosialisasi, advokasi, elaborasi, sosial dan hubungan masyarakat dan kesinambungan kegiatan pelajar Indonesia di Eropa. Sesuai hasil kesepakatan bersama, jejaring ini merupakan wadah yang berbentuk Annual Joint Session.
Dalam pelaksanaan kegiatannya, Jejaring Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia se-Eropa ini memiliki struktur seperti yang digambarkan di bawah ini:

2. Keanggotaan Jejaring PPI se Eropa:
a. Organisasi pelajar Indonesia yang berada di luar negeri dengan menggunakan nama perhimpunan, perserikatan, persatuan, klub, komunitas atau dan sejenisnya yang mewakili satu negara (selanjutnya disebut PPI). Bila belum mempunyai PPI negara, maka satu PPI kota/wilayah dalam negara tersebut dapat menjadi anggota.
b. Bersifat sukarela,
c. Terdiri dari dua jenis keanggotaan, yaitu anggota biasa dan peninjau. Anggota biasa adalah anggota yang berasal dari kawasan eropa. Anggota peninjau adalah anggota yang berasal dari kawasan lainnya.

3. Penerimaan dan pengunduran diri anggota Jejaring PPI Eropa:
a. Penerimaan anggota baru yang akan bergabung dalam Jejaring PPI Eropa harus mendapatkan persetujuan dari anggota Jejaring PPI se Eropa secara musyawarah mufakat. Namun bila tidak mencapai kata mufakat, maka diberlakukan mekanisme voting dengan disetujui suara minimal setengah ditambah satu suara dari jumlah total anggota biasa.
b. Anggota Jejaring PPI Eropa yang menyatakan mengundurkan diri dari Jejaring PPI Eropa wajib menuliskan alasan pengunduran dirinya tanpa harus mendapatkan persetujuan anggota Jejaring PPI Eropa yang lain.

4. Hak dan kewajiban anggota Jejaring PPI Eropa:
a. Anggota biasa memiliki satu hak suara dan hak bicara
b. Anggota peninjau memiliki hak bicara
c. Seluruh anggota wajib mendapat persetujuan minimal setengah ditambah satu suara dari total anggota apabila ingin mengatasnamakan Jejaring

5. Pengusulan dan pelaksanaan kegiatan:
a. Anggota Jejaring PPI Eropa berhak mengusulkan kegiatan bersama kepada Jejaring PPI Eropa
b. Usulan kegiatan yang disepakati bersama oleh Jejaring PPI Eropa akan dilaksanakan oleh PPI yang mengusulkan sebagai penggerak utama (prime mover) dengan didukung oleh anggota Jejaring PPI Eropa yang lain.


Peringatan 150 th Fak. Oriental Studies SPbGU &
50 th Prog. Studi Indonesia
10 Desember 2005 - 10 januari 2006

«The Indonesia-Russia Study Club» menyadari pentingnya memperkenalkan kebudayaan Indonesia pada publik St. Petersburg melalui penyelenggaraan pameran kebudayaan Indonesia secara «menarik» dan «cerdas». Maka, dalam rangkaian peringatan 150 tahun Fakultas Oriental Studies dan 50 tahun Jurusan Indonesia Universitas Negeri St. Petersburg, «The Indonesia  Russia Study Club» telah menggelar sebuah pameran batik bertema: «Batik Indonesia: Motif Batik Jawa». Pameran dimaksudkan sebagai partisipasi para penggiat Study Club untuk memperkenalkan seni dan kebudayaan Indonesia pada masyarakat Rusia, terutama tentang: konsep batik, proses pembuatannya, dan penggunaannya di pulau Jawa. Pemilihan tema «motif batik Jawa» bukanlah tanpa alasan. Hal ini berkaitan dengan keberadaan Jurusan Indonesia – Jawa di Fakultas Oriental Studies Universitas Negeri St. Petersburg, yang saat itu berusia kurang dari 4 tahun. «The Indonesia  Russia Study Club» memahami bahwa tradisi masyarakat Rusia mengapresiasi sebuah pameran, bukan hanya terbatas pada melihat tatanan artistik ekspanat yang dipamerkan. Informasi atau penjelasan tentang benda yang dipamerkan, tak kalah penting bagi pengunjung. Dengan informasi lengkap pengunjung dapat menikmati pameran dengan maksimal. Karenanya, lepas dari segala keterbatasan yang dimiliki, pameran batik «The Indonesia  Russia Study Club» yang merupakan pameran batik Indonesia pertama di St. Petersburg ini diselenggarakan sesuai konsep pameran masyarakat masyarakat Rusia. Pameran yang diselenggarakan di lingkungan Universitas Negeri St. Petersburg ini tidak bersifat komersial. Pameran diselenggarakan semata-mata sebagai upaya pengenalan dan promosi kebudayaan Indonesia. Dalam pameran ini tidak dipromosikan suatu merek batik tertentu, benda-benda ekspanat pada pameran ini pun tidak diperjualbelikan. Pameran hanya difokuskan pada pemberian informasi tentang batik.

Dalam acara ini dipamerkan 40 contoh motif batik Jawa, foto-foto yang berhubungan dengan proses pembuatan dan penjelasan tentang penggunaan kain Batik. «The Indonesia  Russia Study Club» secara serius menghimpun informasi yang dianggap menarik dan penting tentang batik Indonesia, yang selanjutnya, dalam bahasa Rusia disiapkan sebagai subtitile yang dipasang di bawah setiap ekspanat. Study club juga mengundang DR. E. Revunenkova (seorang etnograf Rusia ahli Indonesia) untuk menyiapkan pengantar tertulis tentang batik Indonesia.

Sebagian dari ekspanat yang dipamerkan dalam rangka peringatan 150 tahun Fakultas Oriental Studies dan 50 tahun Program Studi Indonesia telah diujipamerkan di Pusat Kegiatan Mahasiswa Asing, Rektorskiy Fligel, Universitas Negeri St. Petersburg. Kalangan akademis dari berbagai fakultas memberikan sambutan dan apresiasi diluar dugaan. Pameran ujicoba yang dijadwalkan digelar selama lima belas hari sejak 15-30 November 2005, atas permintaan Direktur Departemen Urusan Mahasiswa Asing dan pihak Rektorat , akhirnya diperpanjang hingga pertengahan Desember 2005. Melalui pameran ini «The Indonesia  Russia Study Club» membuktikan besarnya minat warga Rusia untuk mengetahui lebih dalam tentang kebudayaan Indonesia.

Pameran batik «The Indonesia  Russia Study Club» yang diselenggarakan selama satu bulan ini mendapat perhatian dari banyak kalangan, terutama civitas-akademica Fakultas Oriental Studies, Fakultas Filologi dan Fakultas Sejarah, para sejarawan, para pengamat dan peneliti baik dari universitas negeri St. Petersburg, maupun dari institusi lain. Tidak kurang dari 500 orang dapat menikmati pameran ini. ☼☼☼

Nov 27, 2007



Oleh: Mohammad Natsir, MA*

St. Petersburg bukan kota yang berkembang dari sebuah desa. Jika Moskow tumbuh dari sebuah perkampungan kecil, maka pembangunan St. Petersburg dicanangkan dengan seruan: “Here shall be a town”.

Sejak 27 Mei 1703 (kalender masehi) Peter The Great, Tsar dari dinasti Romanov, telah merencanakan pembangunan sebuah kota bernuansa Eropa yang indah dan megah. Untuk membangun kota impiannya, Peter mendatangkan dan mengundang banyak orang dari berbagai daerah agar turut terlibat dalam pembangunan fisik dan ekonomi di kota barunya.

Pada tahun 1703 diantara para pendatang ini, tampak pula komunitas muslim. Mereka adalah bangsa Tatar yang datang dari Kazan, Nizhnii Novgorod dan Kasimov. Setelah 4 bulan bekerja dalam pembangunan Peter and Paul’s Fortress, komunitas Tatar mendapatkan sejumlah uang yang cukup. Mereka juga mendapat tempat tinggal di wilayah-wilayah yang mereka inginkan. Mulailah mereka melakukan kegiatan perdagangan. Tak jauh dari Benteng Peter dan Paul ini terdapat pasar komunitas Tatar yang cukup berkembang di tahun pertama pembangunan kota St. Petersburg.

Pada perkembangannya, pekerjaan utama bangsa Tatar ini adalah berdagang, membuat kerajinan tangan dan aktivitas tradisional lainnya. Jumlah bangsa Tatar semakin berkembang pesat. Pada tahun 1869 jumlahnya mencapai 2000 orang. Pada awal abad 20 jumlahnya meningkat menjadi 6000 orang. Pada tahun 1910 para pendatang ini berjumlah 8000 orang, belum termasuk kalangan tentara dan pelaut.

Meski jumlah umat sedemikian besar, masjid belum ada di ibukota Imperium Rusia. Para pendatang muslim ini biasanya membuka tempat ibadah dirumahnya masing-masing. Tempat ibadah yang paling terkenal ketika itu adalah sebuah rumah di jalan Nevskiy Prospekt 185, rumah seorang saudagar muslim bernama Kalugin.

Pada tahun 1882, pemimpin muslim tertinggi Muftiy of Orenberg Tevkelev mendapatkan persetujuan dari pemerintah Imperium Rusia untuk membangun sebuah masjid. Pada tahun 1906 menteri membentuk sebuah panitia pembangunan masjid yang bertanggung jawab mengumpulkan uang sejumlah 750.000 rubel selama 10 tahun. Dana pembangunan masjid dikumpulkan dari berbagai kota dan provinsi Rusia, yang kebanyakan merupakan sumbangan dari para saudagar kaya. Panitia Pembangunan Masjid juga mencadangkan dana sebesar 142.000 rubel.

Panitia pembangunan masjid diketuai oleh Ahun Ataulla Bayazitov. Ia seorang reformator dan ahli Studi Islam, yang juga dikenal sebagai penggagas utama pembangunan masjid St. Petersburg. Bayazitov dikenal sangat terpelajar. Ia fasih berbicara dalam bahasa-bahasa eropa timur dan menulis dalam bahasa Rusia, Arab, Tatar dan Farsi. Pada tahun 1905 ia menerbitkan surat kabar “Nur”. Koran berbahasa Rusia dengan dialek Kazan ini merupakan koran pertama bagi penganut Islam di Rusia.

Pada tanggal 3 Juli 1907 izin pembelian tanah ditanda tangani oleh Tsar Nicholas II (Tsar terakhir Rusia dari dinasti Romanov) di Istana Peterhoff. Jenderal aide-de-camp Said Abdoul Ahad Amir Buharskiy lah yang menanggung seluruh biaya pembelian tanah lokasi masjid. Lokasi ini sangat strategis: tepat diseberang Benteng Peter and Paul’s Fortress.

Pada musim gugur tahun berikutnya panitia pembangunan masjid menyetujui rencana proyek yang diajukan oleh arsitek Nicholay Vasiliev dan Insinyur Stepan Krichinskiy dan dipimpin oleh Alexander von Gogen.

Ornamen interior dan eksterior masjid terinspirasi dari bentuk musoleum Tamerlain Gur Emir di Samarkand. Bagian depan masjid dibuat suatu ornamen yang merupakan kombinasi antara woth rich oriental dan mosaic of turquoise dengan warna biru.

Pada tanggal 3 Februari 1910 pun dilakukan upacara peletakan batu pertama. Upacara ini juga diprakarsai oleh Ahun Ataulla Bayazitov. Pada upacara peletakan batu pertama pihak kerajaan, tokoh-tokoh agama dan tokoh masyarakat hadir menyaksikannya. Tercatat nama-nama tokoh seperti: Amir Buharskiy, Harusin, Novikov, Dubes Turki dan Persia, Orenburg’s Muftiy Sultanov, dan Mufti Tevkelev ketua Partai Muslim Gost Duma (sebutan Parlemen Rusia).

Meski pembangunan interior masjid belum rampung, pada tahun 1913 masjid telah dibukan dengan resmi, ditandai dengan pembacaan do’a. Pada saat pembukaan, dinding bagian luar masjid masih dilapisi dengan batu granit abu-abu. Kubah dan kedua ujung menaranya di bungkus dengan keramic berwarna biru laut. Penyelesaian pembangunan interior memang berlangsung selama 20 tahun.

Para ahli mosaik dari Asia Tengah turut ambil bagian dalam pembuatan kubah dan kedua ujung menar. Namun mereka tetap bekerja dibawah arahan seniman keramik P. Vaulin.

Bagian depan masjid dihiasi kaligrafi ayat Al-Qur’an. Bagian lingkar dalam, di atas pintu, terbuat dari marmer hijau. Di tengah-tengah ruang dalam masjid terggantung sebuah lampu terbuat dari metal, dengan ukuran sangat besar, bertuliskan ayat Al-Qur’an. Di ruang bagian dalam, lantai dua bagian belakang dihiasi ukiran kaligrafi terbuat dari metal tipis. Dari lubang-lubang ukiran kaligrafi inilah jemaat yang berada di lantai dua dapat melihat ruang dibawahnya dengan jelas. Namun dari bawah jemaat tak bisa melihat apa-apa di dalam lantai dua. Di lantai dua inilah jemaat perempuan beribadah.

Pada mulanya lantai masjid ditutup dengan sebuah karpet besar yang dipesan khusus dan ditenun oleh para ahli dari Asia Tengah. Sayangnya, di jaman Uni Soviet, karpet ini hilang.

Seperti halnya nasib buruk yang menimpa hampir semua rumah ibadah pada jaman Uni Soviet, masjid pun mengalami hal yang sama. Di akhir tahun 1930-an masjid ditutup. Tempat ibadah beralih fungsi menjadi sebuah gudang toko obat-obatan, dan dijadikan tempat penyimpanan berupa-rupa barang. Masjid St. Petersburg sempat dibuka kembali hingga akhir tahun 1940-an. Namun, ketika Perang Dunia II berlangsung, kondisinya semakin tidak terurus. Dan seusai perang, sebagaimana rumah ibadat di Rusia pada masa itu, fungsi masjid tetap sebagai gudang. Beruntung, bahwa pada tahun 1956, atas perintah pemimpin Uni Soviet, masjid diserahkan kepada komunitas muslim kota St. Petersburg dan fungsinya dikembalikan sebagai rumah ibadah. Namun, kondisi fisiknya cukup mengenaskan. Selama bertahun-tahun, masjid tidak mampu menampung umat dalam perayaan Idhul Fitri maupun Idhul Adha. Baru tahun 1980 pemerintah Uni Soviet menurunkan keputusan untuk merestorasi masjid St. Petersburg.

Kini, masjid biru St. Petersburg kembali berdiri megah dan indah, seperti halnya rumah-rumah ibadah lain di Ibu Kota Rusia di Utara. Masjid Biru St. Petersburg yang panjangnya 45 meter, lebarnya 32 meter, tinggi kubah utamanya 39 meter, dan tinggi menaranya 48 meter ini adalah satu diantara karya seni arsitektur besar. Selain selain sebagai rumah ibadah bagi kaum muslim, yang mampu menampung 5000 umat, masjid yang di Rusia disebut The Cathedral Mosque of St. Petersburg atau The Cathedral of Moslems ini banyak dikunjungi wisatawan, sebagai obyek wisata arsitektur.

* Mohammad Natsir, MA. adalah alumni St. Petersburg State University of Economic & Finance.
(Artikel di sunting oleh Redaksi The Indonesia-Russia Study Club)

Nov 24, 2007



By Imperial Decree of the Empress Anna, on May 4th, 1738 in St. Petersburg, the first Russian School of Theatrical Dance was founded. Known as the Imperial Theatre School it was the initiative of the French ballet master and teacher, Jean-Baptiste Lande. Twelve girls and twelve boys began to study "the foreign steps" on one of the upper floors of the Winter Palace.

To be eligible for entry, pupils must have finished their primary school education (9-10 years old). During the month of June, the auditions take place and these are divided into 3 sections. The first examination deals with the physical aptitude of the child: the proportions, height of jump, degree of turnout and so on. The child's general appearance is taken seriously into account. The second examination is judged by medical specialists who determine the future possibilities of the child. Good health is as important to the future dancer's career as a beautiful physique. Thirdly, there is a section to assess the child's musicality, rhythm, co-ordination and artistic talent. Having successfully passed these three sections of the audition, the pupil begins an eight year course of study.

From the first year the curriculum consists of dance training, general secondary school education, French language lessons and piano tuition. As they progress through the school, the pupils master a more intensive and varied programme in their dance subjects. In the first grade the pupils study classical and historical dance. In the fourth grade they have lessons of character dance and in the sixth grade they begin to study pas de deux and mime. The staff of the school consists of 75 dance teachers, 30 piano teachers, 40 teachers of general education and 40 pianists. The teachers strive to develop artistic style, strict academic execution and the feeling of ensemble.

Regular performances on the stages of the Mariinsky and Maly Theatres, as well as gala performances and frequent concerts on the stage of the school theatre, give pupils invaluable experience of stagecraft.

At the end of the 8th grade, the students have their graduating examinations on the stage of the Mariinsky Theatre. The most talented will be offered contracts by the Mariinsky, and the other' graduates will have the opportunity to fill vacancies throughout the theatres of the Russia.

Foreign citizens aged from 18 to 20 are admitted at the Vaganova Ballet Academy to the 10-months course. They must be educated at the homeland professional ballet school according to the 6th year’s level of study of the Classical Dance at the Academy and pass the special audition on the Classical Dance.

Terms of the course are from September 1 to June 30. The fee for a full course is 10.000 USD. The program of the course implies following disciplines: Classical Dance, Character Dance, Pas de Deux, Historical Dance, Modern Dance, Actor’s Skill, Repertoire, Russian Language. At the Academy were taught such great dancers and choreographers as Rudolf Nureyev, Natalia Makarova, Mikhail Baryshnikov, Altynai Asylmuratova, Uliana Lopatkina, Farukh Ruzimatov, Igor Zelensky, Yuri Grigorovich, Oleg Vinogradov.

You may have an opportunity to study under direction of such educational specialists as Ludmila Kovaleva, Irina Guensler, Konstantin Shatilov, Yuri Umrikhin, Boris Bregvadze, Gennady Seliutsky.

The fee is including also:
accommodation at the student’s standards-driven residence located in the building of the Academy, equipped with modern services and utilities (two double rooms for contains also WC and shower), ensuring security blanket – twenty-four-hour guard; one meal per day at the student’s cafeteria; free visits to the ballet theatre performances;
opportunity to perform on the stages of Mariinsky Theatre, theatre of Hermitage, School theatre of the Academy.

Being in St. Petersburg you may make: tours of St. Petersburg and suburbs: Pushkin, Pavlovsk, Peterhof, Lomonosov, Gatchina; excursions to the museums – Hermitage, Russian Museum, Ethnographical Museum, St. Isaak Cathedral, Cabinet of curiosities (Kunstkamera), etc.; bus trips to ancient Russian towns as Novgorod, Pskov, “Golden Ring”, motor ship trips to Valaam and Kizhi.

International Department:
Ms. Olga Efremova
Ms. Julia Volovets
Tel.: +7 (812) 110 47 60
Fax: +7 (812) 315 53 90
Address: 2 Rossi Street. St.Petersburg 191023.Russia

Information was taken from the official site of THE ST. PETERSBURG STATE BALLET ACADEMY VAGANOVA:

Nov 23, 2007



The St.Petersburg State Conservatory, the first public school of music in Russia was inaugurated on September, 20th, 1862 . Russia's first Conservatory was headed by the outstanding pianist, composer and conductor Anton Rubinstein. In 1865 the Conservatory gave the world the genius alumnus -- Pyotr Tchaikovsky. The legendary alumni are the composers Nikolay Myaskovsky, Sergey Prokofiev, Dmitry Shostakovich; violinist Jascha Heifetz, Miron Polyakin, Efrem Zimbalist, Yuri Eidlin; pianists Samary Savshinsky, Nadezhda Golubovskaya, Vladimir Sofronitsky; conductors Nikolay Malko, Mikhail Klimov. All of them made an outstanding contribution to the world musical culture.

The Conservatory provides the highest possible professional training in all aspects of performance, composition, musicology and teaching. The core of the students' training is made up of individual lessons in the principal instrument. Master-classes, lectures in academic subjects and regular opportunities for public performance, both within and outside the Conservatory, also form an integral part of the Conservatory's training. Practical and academic tuition is provided for concert artists, chamber ensemble musicians, orchestral musicians, accompanists, concert and opera singers, conductors, composers, musicologists, opera producers, ballet repetiteurs and choreographers.
The courses are designed with the flexibility to meet the needs of individual students.Conservatory facilities include two concert halls, opera theatre, and a library with an extensive collection of books and music for loan and reference.

The Conservatory currently enrolls over 1450 students, 250 of whom are foreign, and has eight faculties:
- Violin/ Viola Department
- Cello, Double-bass and Harp Department
- Woodwind Department
- Brass Wind and Percussion Instruments Department
- Department of Chamber Ensemble
- Piano Department
- Accompanist Department
- Department of Organ and Harpsichord
- Solo Singing Department
- Chamber Singing Department
- Music Theatre Department
- Department of Theatrical Techniques and Stage Action
- Musical Theatre Stage Directing Department
- Head of the Choreography Directing Department
- Symphonic and Operatic Conducting Department
- Choral Conducting Department
- Stringed Folk Instruments Department
- Department of Bayan (Button Accordion) and Accordion
- Department of Key Board Accompaniment
- Department of History of Russian Music
- Department of Ancient Russian Art of Singing
- Department of Ethnomusicology
- Department of History of Foreign Music
- Department of History of Musical Criticism
- Department of Ear Training and Methodology of Ear Training Teaching
- Department of Harmony and Teaching Methods in Music Theory
- Department of Theory and History of Musical Forms and Styles
- Department of Theory and History of Polyphony

The academic year lasts ten months (from the 1st of September to the 30th of June) and consists of two semesters starting in September (01.09) and February (09.02). The academic year therefore consists of 40 weeks of full-time principal instrument study.Vacation periods in winter (from January 26 to February 8) and in summer (from July 1 to August 31).The Conservatory offers comprehensive full-time training for students at four levels: preparatory, diploma course, special training non-degree course and doctorate.

Diploma Course Programmes
· 1st - 3d year: 195 000 rubles
· 4th - 5th year: 170 000 rubles

Preparatory Course Programme
· 1st - 2nd year 195 000 rubles
· 3rd year 90 000 rubles

Special Training Non-Degree Extension Course Programme
· Standard programme 1 month:
· Major - 8 hours per month;
· Theoretical subjects - 8 hours per month;
· Russian language - 8 hours per month

· Piano: 13 000 rubles
· Operatic & Symphonic Conducting: 15 000 rubles
· Other specialties: 14 000 rubles

Additional classes & Individual programmes:
· Piano: 900 rubles per academic hour
· Orchestral studies, Vocal studies, Choreography (with one accompanist): 1200 rubles per academic hour
· Operatic & Symphonic Conducting: 1500 rubles per academic hour
· Conducting with orchestra: 3000 rubles per academic hour
· Theoretical subjects: 600 rubles per academic hour
· Russian language: 300 rubles per academic hour
· Other foreign languages: 300 rubles per academic hours
· Accompanist: 300 rubles per academic hour

The fees can be paid by the bank transfer (in USD or Euro) to the account of the Conservatory, or in cash (in rubles) to Sberbank in St. Petersburg.

· Diploma Programme in composition
- Qualification given: Composer, Music TeacherStudies are organized by the Faculty of Composition
- Admission requirements
- Knowledge of Russian: Knowledge of Russian at pre-intermediate level is required for all undergraduate and Doctoral programme students. Candidates are offered written and oral Russian language test. Knowledge of the Russian language is recommended for students enrolling in Special Training Non-Degree Programmes. Not required for students entering Preparatory Department.
- Audition
Undergraduate level, 1st year: Candidates are expected to:- submit instrumental or vocal (solo or choral, including folk-songs) music - a portfolio of between two and three works. The music must be performed by the candidates themselves, or should be presented in full score, accompanied by an audio-cassette or CD recording.- Scores should be legibly notated, photocopied and bound

Preparatory Course Programme: Candidates entering Preparatory Department are allowed to play repertoire representing their current level of performance.

Doctorate Course Programme: For those who have fulfilled the programme of higher education, the conservatory offers the following Doctorate course programme:Doctor of Musical Arts (D.M.A.). The goal of the programme is to provide a specialist with the highest level of professional development in the art of musical performance or the craft of musical composition. The period of study is two academic years.Prerequisite: Master's degree.At the time of application candidates must submit one paper (critical essay) on a historical or analytic subject (approx. 5000 words/ 20 pages).

Candidates are required to take a placement examination which includes the following:
1. Performing one large-scale work by the applicant (symphony, cantata) and one chamber music work (sonata, concerto, songs, romances)
2. Interview on the topic of the paper (critical essay)
3. Oral examination on Music Theory: Score Analysis
4. Written examination on Music Theory: Harmony, Polyphony, Orchestration
4. Score Reading (short extract)5. Russian language test

Special Training Non-Degree Extension Course Programme: Candidates entering the Special training course are allowed to play repertoire representing their current level of performance.

- Qualification given: Conductor of Opera and Symphonic OrchestraStudies are organized by the Department of Operatic and Symphonic Conducting, Faculty of Conducting
- Admission requirements
- Knowledge of Russian: Knowledge of Russian at pre-intermediate level is required for all undergraduate and Doctoral programme students. Candidates are offered written and oral Russian language test. Knowledge of the Russian language is recommended for students enrolling in Special Training Non-Degree Programmes.
Not required for students entering Preparatory Department
- Audition

Undergraduate level, 1st year: Candidates are expected to:- conduct two symphonic works, in contrasting tempo and dynamics (accompanied by two pianos)- conduct a simple work to demonstrate basic technique, methods of learning, interaction with the orchestra (accompanied by two pianos)For a list of recommended repertoire contact the Foreign Students' Department.

Preparatory Course Programme: Candidates entering Preparatory Department are allowed to play repertoire representing their current level of performance.

Doctorate Course Programme: For those who have fulfilled the programme of higher education, the conservatory offers the following Doctorate course programme:Doctor of Musical Arts (D.M.A.). The goal of the programme is to provide a specialist with the highest level of professional development in the art of musical performance or the craft of musical composition. The period of study is two academic years.Prerequisite: Master's degree.At the time of application candidates must submit one paper (critical essay) on a historical or analytic subject (approx. 5000 words/ 20 pages).

Candidates are required to take a placement examination which includes the following:
1. Conducting a symphonic work
2. Interview on the topic of the paper (critical essay)
3. Oral examination on Music Theory: Score Analysis
4. Written examination on Music Theory: Harmony, Polyphony, Orchestration
5. Score Reading (short extract)
6. Russian language test

Special Training Non-Degree Extension Course Programme: Candidates entering the Special training course are allowed to play repertoire representing their current level of performance.


- String Instruments: Violin / Viola, Cello, Double-bass. Harp
- Folk String Instruments: Balalaika, Domra, Bayan (Button Accordion),
- Wood wind Instruments: Fute, Oboe, Clarinet, Basson
- Keyboard Instruments: Piano, Organ

The Conservatory offers a wide range of courses in Performance Studies, Composition and Musicology, as well as courses preparing students for entry into music teaching. All of them are full-time and are of 5 years' duration.
The curriculum covers Principal Study, Music Theory, History of Russian and Western Music, Pedagogical Methods and Subsidiary Studies: Russian, Applied Piano etc. The Diploma of a Specialist is awarded upon satisfactory completion of the course of study.
For the first degree course we accept applicants aged 18 or over.
An applicant must have a certificate of completed secondary education or specialized secondary education.
An applicant must have musical talent, ability to read music and performance skill on one instrument or voice.
An applicant must have knowledge of the Russian language at the intermediatepre- intermediate level or above. All applicants are required to pass a Russian language examination.
Applicants without knowledge of Russian are advised to enter Preparatory department.

Please see the information about the appropriate Faculty and department.Audition programmes may be altered according to the student's ability.

Knowledge of Russian at the Intermediate level is required for students enrolling in the undergraduate programmes except students enrolling in the Preparatory department.Requirements can be found on the site of ALTE (Association of Language Testers in Europe) Please see: Level one (TORFL-1) section.
March 31 Receipt of applications & supporting materials for Early Admission (April 15 -25).
May 30 Receipt of all applications & supporting materials for Spring Admission (June 20 - 30).
June 30 Receipt of all applications & supporting materials for Fall Admission (Aug 28 - Sept 15).

Dates for audition for applicants who wish to enter the Preparatory Department of the Conservatory in fall semester 2006/2007 academic year:
15 - 25 April
15 - 30 June
28 August - 15 September

All auditions are held at the St. Petersburg Conservatory of music.

30 August
04 September
08 September
13 September

Study abroad students starting classes in September should arrive during the last week of August. This requirement is connected with the rules of registration procedure for foreign citizens.

This course is designed for those who wish to use the facilities offered by the Conservatory to further develop their skills and to gain experience. The curriculum is arranged to suit each student's individual needs. The Conservatory is flexible in dealing with foreign applications and, depending on circumstances, may accept applications to commence study at a suitable time within the academic year.The period of study varies between one month and ten months according to the needs of the student. The Certificate is presented upon satisfactory completion of a minimum of 1 month course of study, the Trainee Certificate - upon satisfactory completion of minimum 6 months' course of study.First application participants are offered a standard plan that includes the following: major - 8 hours per month, theoretical subjects - 8 hours per month, Russian language - 8 hours.
Non-first application participants can choose:
1. Standard plan (major: 8 hours per month, theoretical subjects: 8 hours per month; Russian language: 6 hours per month)
2. Extended plan (standard plan + additional classes to student's choice)
3. Individual plan (tailor made programme)

Special Training Non-degree Extension course programmes are offered to the applicants of 18 years old or over. An applicant must have a certificate of completed secondary education or specialized secondary education.An applicant must have musical talent, ability to read music and performance skill on one instrument or voice. Knowledge of the Russian language is not required, but recommended. Russian language course is an integral part of the Special Training Non-degree Extension programme. Admission to Special Training Non-degree Extension course programs in the Conservatory is based on audition results.

Step 1. Review the requirements for the major you have chosen.
Step 2. Complete and submit the Application form and send a copy of your passport* to the International Student Office in advance of the deadlines via e-mail: or fax: +7 (812) 571-82-88.
* for students from Algeria, Angola, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Vietnam, India, Iraq, Iran, China, Korea, Lebanon, Nepal, Nigeria, Ruanda, Syria, Somali, Turkey, Chad, Sri-Lanka, Ethiopia - translation of the passport into Russian attested by the notary is also required
Step 3. Send copies of the Diplomas you have (Diploma of completed secondary education/ Diploma of special higher education, or Master's degree, or Licentiate Degree) and translation of the Diplomas attested by the notary.
Step 4. Complete the Audition request form and submit it to the International Student Office. Students are strongly recommended to schedule audition appointments.
Step 5. If you need an original copy of the invitation, pay the delivery from the Conservatory to your address at the nearest DHL office in your home country. The address of the Conservatory: International Student Office3, Teatralnaya sq., St. Petersburg, 190000, Russia
Step 6. After receiving the invitation, apply to the Russian Consulate in your home country for the visa.
Step 7. When you obtain the visa, send a copy of it to the International Student Office.
Step 8. Confirm the date of your arrival to St. Petersburg and make arrangements for accommodation. See Accommodation section of the site.
Step 9. Make sure that you have 13 photos (3 cm x 4 cm)(3 of them black/white and mat).
Step 10. Obtain medical certificates of vaccination against diphtheria, measles, mumps, tuberculosis, malaria (the latter for the students from Latin America only), medical certificates of chest X-ray and AIDS-test results, and that informing of chronic ailments, if you have any.

Application checklist:
- Application form- Copy of your passport *
- Copy of the Diploma (s) of your education
- Copy of the Diploma (s) translated into Russian and attested by the notary
- Audition request form
- Medical certificates
- 13 photos (3 cm x 4 cm) (3 of them black/white and mat).

* for students from Algeria, Angola, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Vietnam, India, Iraq, Iran, China, Korea, Lebanon, Nepal, Nigeria, Ruanda, Syria, Somali, Turkey, Chad, Sri-Lanka, Ethiopia - translation of the passport into Russian attested by the notary is also required

- The dormitory offers two types of accommodation: rooms and suites
- Rooms ( WC and basins are on the same floor, shower - downstairs)
- Suites: two rooms for 1-2 students each with shower and kitchen
- Laundry - free of charge- In the dormitory there is 24 hours security service
- From 1 a.m. to 6 a.m. entrance and exit to/from the dormitory is forbidden
- In some rooms there are pianos

For students "Preparatory Department", students "Special Training", "Non-Degree Extension Programme" participants:
- single room/per month 2928 - 4728 rubles
- shared room (two students)/per month 2028 - 2178 rubles
For "Doctorate Course Programme" students:
- single room/per month 2928 - 4728 rubles
- shared room (two students)/per month 2028 - 2178 rubles
- single room/per month 400-500 rubles per night
- shared room (two students)/per month 300 - 400 rubles per night

- single room 1000 rubles per night (not more than 7 night)
- shared room (two students) 1000 rubles per night (not more than 7 night)

Guests sharing the room with the student:
- single room 750 rubles per night (not more than 7 night)
- shared room (two students) 750 rubles per night (not more than 7 night)

For more information contact the Foreign Students' Department.
The Department staff speaks English and Korean.
Letters can also be sent in German, Spanish, Chinese and Japanese.
Phone: +7 (812) 314-9693
Fax: +7 (812) 571-8288
E-mail: ur.yrotavresnoc@pedngierof
Address: 3, Teatralnaya Square, St.Petersburg, 190000, Russia

Information was taken from the official site of THE ST. PETERSBURG STATE CONSERVATORY (RIMSKY- KORSAKOV CONSERVATORY):



The Moscow State Conservatory (Московская Государственная Консерватория им. П.И.Чайковского) is a prominent music school in Russia. It was founded in 1866 by Nikolai Rubinstein, brother of the famous Russian pianist and composer Anton Rubinstein, who founded the St. Petersburg Conservatory in 1862.At its opening, Peter I. Tchaikovsky was appointed professor of theory and harmony, a post he held until approximately 1878. Since 1940, the conservatory has borne Tchaikovsky's name.


· Vocal faculty
* Solo singing Department
* Opera singing Department

· Conducting faculty
* Operatic and Symphonic conducting Department
* Choral direction Department
* Didactics of the Choral direction Department

· Musicology faculty
* Theory of Music Department
* History of Russian Music Department
* History of Foreign Music Department
* Inter-disciplinary Specialties of Musicologist Department

· Composition faculty
* Composition Department
* Instrumentation Department

· Orchestra faculty
* Violin Department
* Viola Department
* Cello and Double Bass Department
* Cello Department
* Harp Department
* Wood-wind and Percussion Department
* Brass Department

· Piano faculty
* Special Piano Department
* Organ and Harpsichord Department

· Faculty Historical and Contemporary Performance
* Keyboard instruments Department
* Orchestra instrument Department

· Improvement of qualification Department

· Cross-faculty Department
* The Humanities Department
* Foreign Language Department
* History and Theory of Performance Department
* Chamber Ensemble and Quartet Department
* Accompaniment Department
* Russian Language Department
* Contemporary Music Department
* Physical Education Department
* Piano Department

The Moscow Conservatory offers regular full day time schedule of education.Students can choose one of seven Conservatory departments to study:
- piano
- orchestra (string instruments, woodwind, brass and percussion instruments)
- musicology (history of music, theory of music)
- composition
- conducting (choral direction, opera and symphony conducting)
- vocal (solo singing)
- department of historical and contemporary performance
Foreign students can find various forms of education. These include:
· Undergraduate education:
* Preparatory course – 1 year
* Main course – 5 year

· Post graduate education:
* Professional Training Course – from 3 months to 2 years
* Post Graduate Performance Course – 3 years
* Post Graduate PhD research Courese – 3 years

Upon graduation of the main undergraduate 5-year course foreign students are awarded a standard state format diploma of the Moscow Conservatory. After the termination of the postgraduate study graduates receive the document of the established form and an extract with his or her grades. After defending of the master's thesis by a foreign student the diploma of the Higher Certifying Commission is given by the Ministry of Education and Sciences of the Russian Federation and the degree of the candidate of art criticism is appropriated.

Undergraduate preparatory coursePreparatory course for foreign students is an important stage of adaptation for training process as well as an intensive study of Russian.The applicants’ entrance exams for the preparatory course include only their specialty. For the singing department the applicant’s age is not to be beyond 24. Classes take place since 15 September up to January 25 (I semester) and since 15 February up to 15 July (II semester). The classes of the preparatory course include specialty, Russian, solfeggio, harmony, history of music.

There are also piano classes at the orchestra, vocal, choral direction, composition and musicology departments. In the end of their preparatory course the students are to take exams in all the above mentioned subjects and in case they succeed they can continue their education as main course’ first year students.

Upon graduation of the preparatory course students are awarded a certificate which reflects the final marks on all the above mentioned subjects

Graduate main course
In order to enter as first year students of the main course foreign students have to take their exams in the following subjects:
· specialty
· solfeggio and harmony (written and oral)
· Russian (written and oral)
· piano

Entrance exams requirements are equal to standard Russian applicants’ requirements. Classes take place since 15 September up to January 25 (I semester) and since 15 February up to 15 July (II semester). Upon graduation of the main course students are awarded a diploma of standard state format of the Moscow Conservatory.

Post graduate professional training course
Foreign musicians with a diploma (High music education – University or academy masters degree) in music can be admitted to the postgraduate professional training course.This course includes specialty subjects only. The plan of studying and the program is made individually for every student. Postgraduate professional training course includes obligatory occupations on a speciality, Russian language, student teaching, a subject of the choice, optional subject. Postgraduate professional training course in the Moscow conservatory duration varies from 3 months up 2 years. Duration of Postgraduate professional training course will be agreed by the foreign student with Department for Foreign Students. After 3 months of training the foreign students who have been last training, receive the official letter of a three-monthly rate of training. After the ending of 10 months (academic year) of continuous training (a training course over 500 hours) and delivery of testing certification students receive the academic official letter about training with the direction of hours and marks. After the ending of a two years of training and delivery of testing certification students receive the diploma of the state sample «the Diploma in professional retraining» and the official letter (an extract with valuations).
Post graduate performance course
Only musicians having a higher musical education certificate can be admitted to the post graduate performance course in the following specialties:· piano· organ· accompaniment· string· wind and percussion instruments· opera and symphony conducting· choral direction· chamber ensemble· solo singing· compositionThe course duration is 3 years.The entrance exams include Russian (written and oral) and specialty. The program requirements for specialty exam for foreign students are equal to standard Russian applicants’ requirements. The duration of program is not to exceed 1 hour.

ATTENTION: Classes start on September 1.
Within the post graduate performance course students take the following exams:
· two exams in specialty determined by the commission of the leading professors headed by the dean of the department and the head of the chair.
· Russian
· pedagogic and psychology
· philosophy
· history of performance (with an essay)
· dissertation (of not less than 80 printed pages)

After the termination of the postgraduate study, graduates receive the document of the established form and an extract with his or her grades.Post graduate PhD research course.

Postgraduate PhD research course is available in such specialties as:
· musicology (theory of music, history of music)
· ethnomusicology
· history and theory of performance

A PhD postgraduate student is expected to issue a dissertation. The course duration is 3 years. To be admitted to the post graduate PhD research course the applicant needs to submit an essay on the theme of the research and take an exam in specialty which includes the interview on the research, tutorial and written and oral Russian. The exams within the period of education include PhD-level philosophy, Russian, specialty (the requirements depend on the theme of the research) plus pedagogic, psychology, aesthetics, history of fine arts.After the termination of postgraduate study graduates receive the document of the established form and an extract with their grades. After defending of the master's thesis by a foreign student the diploma of the Higher Certifying Commission is given by the Ministry of Education and Sciences of the Russian Federation and the degree of the candidate of art criticism is appropriated.

Being one of the biggest musical conservatories in the world, the Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory also holds leading positions as a concert centre. In its disposal it has a complex of concert halls providing a perfect opportunity for realization of various creative ideas on the highest professional level.
These include a wonderful Great Hall which is widely used both for symphony, choral, organ and chamber concerts plus a «quartet» of chamber halls – Small, Rachmaninov, White and Conference Hall – each of them having its individual look, acoustic features and long standing concert traditions.

· Rector: Professor Tigran A. Alikhanov
PA to Rector: - Tatiana P. Belikova - Irina I. Silantieva
Tel. (+7 495) 629-96-59
Tel. (+7 495) 790-72-75
Tel./Fax (+7 495) 290-22-73

· Vice Rector for Education: Professor Natalia N. Gilyarova
PA to Vice Rector: - Yaroslava A. Kabalevskaya
Tel. (+7 495) 775-43-11
Tel./Fax (+7 495) 629-29-92

· Vice Rector for Science: Professor Elena G. Sorokina
PA to Vice Rector: - Marina V. Voinov - Svyatoslav S. Golubenko
Tel./Fax (+7 495) 629-41-43
Tel. (+7 495) 777-39-71

· Vice Rector for International Affairs: Professor Vladimir V. Sukhanov
PA to Vice Rector: - Alla G. Karpitch
Tel. (+7 495) 629-97-36
Tel. (+7 495) 788-09-64
Tel./Fax (+7 495) 785-19-14

· Vice Rector for Educational & Methodic Association: Alexander Z. Bonduryansky
PA to Vice Rector:- Dilyara N. Khudoborodova
Tel./Fax (+ 7 495) 629-57-34

· Vice Rector for Administrative and Economy work: Sergey I. Rozanov
PA to Vice Rector:- Tatiana A. Zolkina
Tel. (+7 495) 961-35-06
Tel./Fax (+7 495) 629-49-72

Foreign applicant wishing to enter the Moscow Conservatory has to provide the following papers and documentation:
· an original of a middle- or high-level musical institution diploma (certificate) accompanied by a document confirming the authenticity of the diploma (it is also possible to provide the copies of educational certificates certified by notary’s office and translated into Russian)
· a medical certificate verifying the absence of any contagious diseases including AIDS or mental disorders
· copy of passport (valid two years from the date of arrival)
· a valid medical insurance policy
· CV· 6 photographs

Exams to enter the preparatory course, main course’ first year and professional training course are held twice a year (April/May and September).
Extra professional training course exams can also be possible in October, November, February and March.
Post graduate entrance exams take place in June – July.
For spring entrance preparatory and main courses’ exams the applicants have to arrive in Moscow not later than 25 April; for autumn exams – not later than 1 September.

· The fee per academic year (10 months) is 224.000 Russian roubles.*
Main graduate course – 224.000 roubles per year.*
Preparatory undergraduate course – 192.000 roubles.*
Postgraduate performance course – 224.000 roubles per year.*
Post graduate professional training course – 22.400 roubles per month.*
Post graduate PhD research course – 22.400 roubles.*
Entrance exams fee – 1.500 roubles.
· Education fee for foreign students in the Moscow Conservatory is defined by the Academic board of Conservatory and can be changed.
· Those foreign students residing at the dormitory pay a rent. The paid rent also allows using the reading rooms of the library, musical instruments, sports and cultural facilities.

The Department for foreign students issues official invitations via the Russian Ministry for Foreign Affairs to insure entrance visas for foreign students` arrival in Russian Federation. Foreign students who intend to take their entrance exams at the Moscow Conservatory are to send to the Department for foreign students 2 months prior to the date of the exams a valid passport copy (please secure that it isn’t expired) and a filled application form (except for July and August). Money spent on arrival, visa and registration, accommodation and meals are at the students` own expenses.Students of Post graduate courses are obliged to pay the State duty on registration of the invitation in the Department for foreign students at a rate of 200 roubles and sending of the invitation on DHL (3.000 roubles).


Department for Foreign Students
Tel. (+7 495) 629-73-18
Tel./Fax (+7 495) 629-76-26
Fax (+7 495) 785-19-14

Information was taken from the official site of THE MOSCOW STATE CONSERVATORY (TCHAIKOVSKY CONSERVATORY):

Nov 22, 2007


Henny Saptatia Sujai **)

Masyarakat Rusia zaman imperium dan Soviet tidak mengenal istilah “poster”. Kamus Rusia hanya memuat lema “plakat” berasal dari bahasa Jerman “plakat” dan bahasa Prancis “placard” atau “plaquer”, yang kita padankan dengan istilah “poster”.
Di Rusia, karya seni plakat dibagi dalam dua periode: “plakat Rusia”, diproduksi pada zaman imperium, dan “plakat Soviet”, diproduksi setelah revolusi 1917. Plakat Rusia lahir di St. Petersburg pada akhir abad ke-19. Pemerintah imperium menggunakannya sebagai media informasi dan propaganda dinasti.
Di luar istana, plakat menjadi media reklame produk dan pertunjukan teater. Booming tradisi satire dalam seni grafis di St. Petersburg pada masa Revolusi Sosialis I, 1905-1907, menjadi inspirasi munculnya tema perlawanan dalam plakat. Lalu, kaum revolusioner gencar memakai plakat sebagai media agitasi. Dari sinilah plakat di Rusia dikenal sebagai seni agitasi massa.

Pada masa Soviet, ribuan desain dicetak. Plakat politik Soviet muncul dan langsung populer pada masa perang saudara 1918 -1920. Pemerintah Soviet ingin menerapkan norma dan kebiasaan hidup baru dalam masyarakat. Fungsi plakat menjadi lebih luas. Plakat menjadi media reklame, informasi, dan edukasi bagi masyarakat dalam kerangka propaganda nilai-nilai ideologi sosialisme. Slogan berilustrasi dicetak jutaan tiras.
Plakat mengambil bagian penting dalam pembentukan tatanan masyarakat baru menurut ideologi baru. Plakat politik Soviet umumnya bertema Perang Dunia ke-2, propaganda Perang Dingin: kewaspadaan terhadap Amerika Serikat dan kapitalisme, dan iklan layanan masyarakat.
Klasifikasi plakat juga dilakukan menurut tahun terbit, tema besar-kecil, dan alirannya. Ada enam tema besar yang desain-desainnya populer di kalangan masyarakat: plakat sosial (925 desain yang populer), plakat film (357), plakat reklame (274), plakat tema perang (214), plakat pengumuman (170), plakat agitasi (139), dan 10 plakat di luar tema-tema di atas.
Klasifikasi tema kecil dan tahun terbit dilakukan pertama kali oleh Kontak-Kultura (KK), sebuah penerbitan Rusia. Tahun 1999, KK-lah yang pertama mereproduksi desain plakat Rusia dan Soviet dalam “Proyek Plakat Rusia”. Awalnya, proyek bertujuan melacak runtutan kronologis budaya dan kehidupan masyarakat Rusia. Namun, dari sini justru dapat diformulasikan “desain plakat nasional Rusia”.
Klasifikasi tema kecil, antara lain: “Plakat Rusia. Abad XX. Chef d’eouvre”, “Perempuan dalam Plakat Rusia”, “Plakat Tentara Moskwa”, “Plakat Film Rusia”, “Plakat Politik Soviet”, “Sirkus dalam Plakat Rusia”, “Plakat Reklame Rusia”, “Produk Soviet: yang Terbaik! Plakat Reklame Soviet Th. 1930-1960” “Kewaspadaan: Itulah Senjata Kita!”, “Buku dalam Plakat Rusia”, “Secukupnya-Berlebihan!”, “Konstruktivisme dalam Plakat Soviet”, “Semua Rekor Harus Kita Rebut! Atletik dan Olahraga dalam Poster tahun 1920-1960”, “Demi Kejayaan Kita”, dan lain-lain.
Era plakat Soviet berakhir setelah Perestroika. Pesanan plakat bertema sosial membludak, terutama isu-isu kebebasan berpendapat, kebebasan media massa dan jurnalisme. Tanpa mengabaikan konsep dan aliran plakat lama, tema Perestroika dihadirkan dengan konsep yang berbeda, terlihat ide-ide optimisme dan harapan baru. Namun, untuk tema tertentu, hampir keseluruhan karakter plakat lama tetap dipertahankan. Sejak zaman imperium hingga kini, sekitar 500 ribu desain plakat telah diterbitkan di Rusia. Dengan parameter aspek-aspek analisis plakat, terlihat perbedaan mencolok antara karakter plakat Rusia, Soviet, dan Federasi Rusia.
Tradisi plakat Rusia & Soviet jauh berbeda dengan tradisi poster Indonesia. Di Rusia, plakat lahir dan berkembang sebagai kompleksitas utuh antara tradisi perjuangan politis dan ideologi-ideologi besar, perkembangan stilistika dan satire dalam seni grafis, serta berbagai aspek kehidupan masyarakat. Semua itu tecermin dalam muatan intrinsik dan ekstrinsik sebuah desain plakat.
Plakat Rusia & Soviet bukan sekadar karya seni rupa. Plakat adalah karya seni tersendiri yang di dalamnya terkait dengan konteks sejarah, politik, linguistik, jurnalistik, dan bahkan falsafah masyarakat Rusia. Seni rupa dalam plakat Rusia & Soviet hanyalah alat. Bukan hanya lukisan atau grafis yang dipakai sebagai ilustrasi dalam sebuah desain plakat, foto juga banyak digunakan sebagai ilustrasi.
Tanpa konteks aspek-aspek di atas, analisis tampilan fisik plakat Rusia & Soviet tak berarti apa-apa. Kalaupun sebuah desain plakat hendak ditinjau dari tampilan fisik, tentu bukan dari sisi seni rupa. Yang memainkan peran penting dalam sebuah desain plakat adalah: karakter bentuk huruf (font) dan penempatan teks, penggunaan metafora yang cerdas, gaya bahasa, slogan, dan pemeo yang dikenal masyarakat, dan pemakaian simbol-simbol umum yang dimengerti publik. Pemilihan warna dekoratif yang jelas dan sesuai dengan pemaknaan yang telah disepakati masyarakat juga sangat penting.
Mustahil dan sangat naif menganalisis plakat Rusia & Soviet secara sepenggal, entah hanya sisi seni rupa, nilai estetik, atau teknik komunikasi-visualnya saja. Analisis dengan pendekatan teoretis seni rupa dan teknik komunikasi saja hanya akan menghasilkan analisis yang instan, jika tidak ingin dikatakan: analisis mentah. Analisis plakat Rusia & Soviet harus dilakukan secara integral.
Di St. Petersburg sendiri, kami “The Indonesia-Russia Study Club”, yaitu sebuah kelompok studi yang dirintis oleh peneliti-peneliti muda kedua negara yang kini bersinergi di St. Petersburg, telah mengumpulkan 250 aneka ragam plakat Rusia dan Soviet, mengklasifikasikan, menerjemahkan teksnya, dan menganalisis satu demi satu. Para peneliti kelompok studi beragam mulai dari mahasiswa S1, S2, hingga peserta S3 dan post-doctoral. Seorang ilmuwan Rusia ahli kajian Indonesia dan beberapa ilmuwan Rusia dari berbagai fakultas: filologi, sejarah, politik, jurnalistik, dan filsafat menjadi tempat berkonsultasi.
Analisis plakat yang kami lakukan berdasarkan klasifikasi kronologis periode sejarah, tema dan fungsi pesan, kecenderungan aliran tiap desain, dan hubungan kontekstualnya antara detail gambar dan kata dengan aspek sejarah, politik, linguistik, jurnalistik, dan falsafah masyarakat. Analisis tampilan fisik seperti pilihan karakter huruf dan penempatan teks, pilihan kata, semboyan, atau slogan, penggunaan metafora pada gambar dan kata, pemakaian simbol-simbol dan warna, mendapat perhatian secara khusus.
Pertengahan tahun 2004, 250 plakat berikut analisis lengkapnya dibawa ke Jakarta untuk keperluan pameran “Plakat Rusia & Soviet” yang harusnya diselenggarakan tahun 2005. Secara serius, persiapan pameran dilakukan selama satu setengah tahun, sejak 2003. Pameran bertujuan memperkenalkan kepada publik Indonesia terbentuknya The “Indonesia-Rusia Study Club”, kelompok studi berprinsip multifarious studies for better relation. Karena itu, pameran juga dimaksudkan sebagai upaya pengenalan Rusia dari sisi lain kepada masyarakat Indonesia.

*) Artikel ini dimuat dalam Majalah Tempo Edisi. 42/XXXIV/12 - 18 Desember 2005 dalam rubrik Seni Rupa.
**) Penulis Kandidat Doktor kajian Sosiologi & Politik Media-Massa, Departemen Teori Jurnalistik, Fakultas Jurnalistik Universitas Negeri St. Petersburg-Rusia. Penggagas The Indonesia-Russia Study Club.